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Your Customer Support Software Should Make You Feel Safe & Secure

Software Security & Controls

SLA Management

Your customers rely on you to provide a specific level of service–and we’ll help you deliver! TeamSupport can help you track your service level agreements to make sure you don’t violate contractual requirements with your customers.

SSL User Authentication

We use SSL 256-bit encryption and other privacy protection technology to secure all of our data. We are continually developing our world-class infrastructure to ensure the security and privacy of our clients’ information. With Team Support you can be sure your data is safe.

Two-factor Authentication

When enabled, 2 factor authentication provides a second layer of security for your accounts.  Users will be prompted to enter an authentication code when they log into TeamSupport from an unrecognized device. This is optional, but highly recommended.

Password Security

Strong password requirements, failed attempts lockout and optional password expiration settings ensure you have maximum control to secure your customer support software account. Advanced technoloy also allows us to monitor and protect customer accounts.

Rights Management

TeamSupport’s powerful rights management capabilities enable you to restrict access to certain information. You can limit an agent’s access to certain ticket types, specific customers, or just the tickets assigned to them. You can also control which tools are presented to each user.

Sandbox Test Environment

TeamSupport supports sandbox accounts for testing.  This allows you to work in a safe environment, test new features, customize templates, set up automation, etc. before going live with your customers.


TeamSupport is a valuable in tool that aids in organizing, documenting, and resolving customer related concerns. My performance metrics are dependent on the functionality of this tool and thus far it hasn't let me down! Thanks TeamSupport.

Anthony Leach
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